Slide One

Legal notice

The web­site is pub­lished by the com­pa­ny GREEN HYDROGEN GAS APPLICATIONS (GHy­GA)

Head office :
1800 Route des Eymards
26260 Marges

GREEN HYDROGEN GAS APPLICATIONS is a com­pa­ny with a cap­i­tal of 2000 € reg­is­tered at the RCS of Romans — B 890 400 013
SIRET : 89040001300011
NAF : Busi­ness and oth­er man­age­ment con­sul­tan­cy (7022Z)
Intra­com­mu­ni­ty VAT num­ber: FR83890400013

Direc­tor of Pub­li­ca­tion for the site Mr Peter Bamberg

Pro­duc­tion, main­te­nance and host­ing of the site:

This web­site was cre­at­ed using the Word­Press solution

General conditions of use of the site

Article 1 — Scope of the GCU

Les présentes con­di­tions générales d’u­til­i­sa­tion (CGU) régis­sent l’u­til­i­sa­tion du site (le site) mis en ligne par la société GREEN HYDROGEN GAS APPLICATIONS (le Pro­prié­taire) pour tout util­isa­teur (l’U­til­isa­teur).

En nav­iguant sur le site et en y réal­isant des actions, l’U­til­isa­teur recon­naît avoir pris con­nais­sance des présentes CGU et les accepter sans réserve.

Le Pro­prié­taire se réserve le droit de mod­i­fi­er à tout moment les présentes CGU.

Les CGU applic­a­bles sont tou­jours celles applic­a­bles lors de la nav­i­ga­tion de l’Utilisateur.

These gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions of use (GTCU) gov­ern the use of the site (the site) put online by the com­pa­ny GREEN HYDROGEN GAS APPLICATIONS (the Own­er) for any user (the User).

By brows­ing the site and car­ry­ing out actions on it, the User acknowl­edges that he/she has read these GCU and accepts them with­out reservation.

The Own­er reserves the right to mod­i­fy these GTC at any time.

The GTCU applic­a­ble are always those applic­a­ble at the time of the User’s browsing.

Article 2 — Presentation of the site

2–1 Pur­pose of the site

The web­site is a “show­case” type web­site whose pur­pose is to present the com­pa­ny’s ser­vices. It is acces­si­ble on the Inter­net at the fol­low­ing address:

2–2 Access and oper­a­tion of the site

Access to the site: the User is per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for set­ting up the com­put­er and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions resources required to access the site and for the knowl­edge required to use the Inter­net and access the site.

The User shall bear the con­nec­tion and equip­ment costs asso­ci­at­ed with access­ing the Inter­net and using the site.

The User uses the site at his/her own risk.

It is for­bid­den to attempt to obtain unau­tho­rised access to the ser­vice, to access the site or to main­tain it by any means oth­er than the inter­face that is pro­vid­ed to the User by the Own­er for this purpose.

2–3 Lim­i­ta­tion of lia­bil­i­ty of GREEN HYDROGEN GAS APPLICATIONS (GHy­GA)

GREEN HYDROGEN GAS APPLICATIONS under­takes to ensure that the site func­tions cor­rect­ly, how­ev­er it can­not be held liable for any incon­ve­nience or dam­age that the User may suf­fer as a result of using the site or incon­ve­nience or dam­age inher­ent in the use of the Inter­net net­work, in par­tic­u­lar a break in ser­vice, exter­nal intru­sion or the pres­ence of a com­put­er virus.

Article 3 — Personal data

3–1 Pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data

The web­site will not col­lect any per­son­al data from its users.

3–2 Cook­ies

Type of cook­ies: We place cook­ies on the site and on its mobile application(s) that enable it to

- to estab­lish sta­tis­tics and vol­umes of vis­its and use of its ser­vices (audi­ence mea­sure­ment cookies);

- adapt the pre­sen­ta­tion of the site accord­ing to the ter­mi­nal used;

- adapt the pre­sen­ta­tion of the site to each user;

- share infor­ma­tion on social networks.

Set­tings: You can con­fig­ure your inter­net brows­er to select the cook­ies you wish to authorise.

Article 4 — Intellectual property

These gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions of use (GTCU) gov­ern the use of the site (the site) put online by the com­pa­ny GREEN HYDROGEN GAS APPLICATIONS (the Own­er) for any user (the User).

By brows­ing the site and car­ry­ing out actions on it, the User acknowl­edges that he/she has read these GCU and accepts them with­out reservation.

The Own­er reserves the right to mod­i­fy these GTC at any time.

The GTCU applic­a­ble are always those applic­a­ble at the time of the User’s browsing.

Article 5 — Scope of the GCU

4–1 Rights on the site

The ele­ments of the site are the prop­er­ty of the own­er and/or its part­ners. Some of these ele­ments (for exam­ple soft­ware, data­bas­es, pho­tographs, illus­tra­tions, texts, graph­ic char­ter or com­bi­na­tions of these ele­ments) may be pro­tect­ed by intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights, in par­tic­u­lar by copy­right and trade­mark law. The dis­clo­sure of these ele­ments may not be inter­pret­ed as grant­i­ng any licence on them or any right oth­er than that of con­sult­ing and mak­ing per­son­al use of the site, with­in the frame­work of its function.

Any total or par­tial repro­duc­tion of the site or its ele­ments with­out pri­or writ­ten autho­ri­sa­tion from the pub­lish­er expos­es the offend­ers to legal proceedings.

4–2 Hyper­text links

The site may offer links to oth­er web­sites or oth­er sources of infor­ma­tion man­aged by part­ner sites. Inso­far as the own­er can­not exer­cise con­trol over these part­ner ser­vices and exter­nal sources, it makes no com­mit­ment as to the avail­abil­i­ty and con­tent of these sites and exter­nal sources, and declines all respon­si­bil­i­ty for the con­tent, adver­tis­ing, prod­ucts, ser­vices or any oth­er mate­r­i­al avail­able on or from these sites or exter­nal sources. The own­er also dis­claims any respon­si­bil­i­ty for any dam­age or loss, whether actu­al or alleged, aris­ing out of or in con­nec­tion with the use of, or reliance on, the con­tent, goods or ser­vices avail­able on such part­ner ser­vices or exter­nal sources.

The estab­lish­ment of links to the site is not sub­ject to any pri­or agree­ment, but the per­son who estab­lish­es the link under­takes to com­ply with the leg­is­la­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly with regard to the pro­mo­tion of alco­hol. Only the explic­it men­tion of the site in the title of the link is required. How­ev­er, it is advis­able to dis­play this site in a new win­dow or a new tab of the brows­er and not to use the fram­ing tech­nique. How­ev­er, the own­er reserves the right to request the removal of a link that it con­sid­ers to be in con­flict with the pur­pose of the site (in par­tic­u­lar with the present con­di­tions of use), defam­a­to­ry, infring­ing, par­a­sit­ing or con­tra­ven­ing its rights or those of third parties.

1800 route des Eymards
26260 Margès ‐ France



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