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Project 2W2NH3®

(Wind & Water to Ammonia)

Project under devel­op­ment to indus­tri­alise the pro­duc­tion and stor­age of Green Ammonia

» Our projects » 2W2NH3 project

Ammonia production platform
Project 2W2NH3® (Wind & Water to Ammonia)

Green Ammo­nia (gNH3) can become the cor­ner­stone of a decar­bonised indus­try. Hydro­gen and Ammo­nia can reduce the share of fos­sil fuels to less than 20% of total ener­gy com­pared to 80% today.

Why Ammonia?

gNH3 may become dom­i­nant in new instal­la­tions after 2025. In the long term, gNH3 can be the com­mod­i­ty of choice for trans­port­ing renew­able ener­gy between con­ti­nents due to its flex­i­bil­i­ty of appli­ca­tion with its main advantages:

More convenient energy storage and transport

Ammo­nia is even eas­i­er to store and trans­port than Green Hydrogen.

Propulsion of vehicles without CO2 emissions

Ammo­nia is a very promis­ing fuel for future ships, gas tur­bines and CO2-free ther­mal engines.

The basis for chemicals and fertilisers

Ammo­nia is wide­ly used in fer­til­iz­ers and clean­ing products.

Grid support for electrical energy

The dif­fer­ence between the pro­duc­tion and con­sump­tion of elec­tri­cal ener­gy in the grid (sta­bil­i­ty cri­te­ri­on) is reduced by tem­porar­i­ly acti­vat­ing the NH3 burn­ing tur­bines, thus ensur­ing a high base load.

Some information about Ammonia

  • IRENA esti­mates that half of the hydro­gen trade in 2050 will be in the form of ammonia.
  • Hydro­gen and ammo­nia can reduce the share of fos­sil fuels to less than 20% of total ener­gy com­pared to 80% today.
  • Ammo­nia remains liq­uid below ‑33°C and does not require spe­cial pre­cau­tions for safe­ty (except for tox­i­c­i­ty man­age­ment) and against cor­ro­sion (embrit­tle­ment).
  • NH3 man­age­ment infra­struc­ture exists in 120 ports around the world.

GHyGA’s 2W2NH3® Ammonia production platform includes the following equipment and processes:

  • A ren­o­vat­ed and adapt­ed “semi-sub­mersible” type plat­form (“inno­v­a­tive upcycling”).
  • A wind tur­bine with a capac­i­ty of 7 to 9 MW.
  • 32 Archimedean screws* with a capac­i­ty of 8 MW or 96 hydro tur­bines** with a capac­i­ty of 6.7 MW.
  • 5 MWh inter­me­di­ate stor­age batteries.
  • 12 MW electrolyser.
  • A sea­wa­ter desali­na­tion unit.
  • One unit of nitrogen.
  • A Syn­gas compressor.
  • An Ammo­nia convertor.
  • A ther­mal ener­gy recov­ery unit.
  • Stor­age and trans­port tanks.

Ammonia costs

On a fos­sil fuel basis, NH3 cur­rent­ly costs €290/t for a glob­al quan­ti­ty of 183 mil­lion tonnes per year. Renew­able ener­gies and the advance­ment of elec­trol­yser and cat­a­lyst tech­nolo­gies to gen­er­ate Ammo­nia, can low­er the pro­duc­tion costs of gNH3 from 720 €/t in 2022 to 310–600 €/t in 2050. The 2W2NH3 project® is cal­i­brat­ed to pro­duce gNH3 at around 480 €/t in 2030.

To become com­pet­i­tive, progress must be made on the fol­low­ing issues:

Increase the carbon tax to €150/t CO2

Investing in the development and production of electrolysers

Financial support for “prototype” factories

Upcycling of decommissioned offshore platforms

An “upcycled” ammonia production platform

  • The “semi-sub­mersible” plat­form is a takeover of an exist­ing ren­o­vat­ed plat­form that is per­fect for installing all the nec­es­sary equip­ment. Also prac­ti­cal for opti­mis­ing short dis­tance inter­con­nect­ed processes.
  • The float­ing plat­form is attached to the seabed by sev­er­al cables.
  • This plat­form is equipped with new struc­tures on its 4 sides, which car­ry 32 Archimedean screws* with a pow­er of 8 MW (alter­na­tive­ly 96 tidal tur­bines** with a pow­er of 6.7 MW). These 8 sup­port struc­tures are mobile and allow to put the tidal tur­bines (screws or tur­bines) in oper­a­tional posi­tion or to lift them in posi­tion for repair and maintenance.
  • In the cen­tre of the plat­form is a 9 MW wind turbine.
  • Both sources of ener­gy help to smooth out the vari­a­tions in ampli­tude cre­at­ed by winds and ocean currents.
  • The Green Ammo­nia pro­duc­tion chain is com­ple­ment­ed by stor­age in tanks pes­surised at 15 bars for trans­port to shore by shuttle.
  • Oper­a­tional con­trol is per­formed remote­ly. The oper­a­tional team on the plat­form is reduced to 2–3 people.

KAPSOM in Chi­na is pur­su­ing NH3 pro­duc­tion by “Chlo­rine gasi­fi­ca­tion”, a state-of-the-art tech­nol­o­gy to reduce the tem­per­a­ture and pres­sure of Haber-Bosch process­es, result­ing in increased efficiency.

By 2050, three quar­ters of the ammo­nia used will be pro­duced on the basis of renew­able ener­gy. The mar­ket will fol­low as emis­sion-free NH3 pro­duc­tion prices will drop from $720/ton in 2020 to $310–600/ton in 2050 depend­ing on the tech­nolo­gies used. A car­bon tax of $150/ton CO2 will lead to a decar­bonised NH3 price of $350/ton NH3.

*Archimedean screw

**hydro tur­bine

Ammonia production from the platform

5000 tonnes NH3

per year

17 MW of elec­tri­cal ener­gy installed to pro­duce 5000 tonnes of green NH3 per year.

Synthesis and technology

The electrolytic synthesis of ammonia

The elec­trolyt­ic syn­the­sis of ammo­nia uses the fol­low­ing alter­na­tive technologies:

  • The liq­uid electrolyte.
  • Melt­ed salt.
  • Com­pos­ite membranes.
  • The “sol­id state” process.

GHy­GA selects the opti­mal tech­nol­o­gy for the 2W2H2® and 2W2NH3® projects through a detailed analy­sis of the inte­grat­ed process chain on the upcy­cled off­shore platform.

The different electrolysis technologies

The var­i­ous elec­trol­y­sis tech­nolo­gies are evolv­ing rapid­ly.
Among the dom­i­nant indus­tri­alised prod­ucts in 2022:

  • Alka­line (ALK) tech­nol­o­gy, the most robust and mature, notably devel­oped by MCPHY in France.
  • The Pro­tons Exchange Mem­brane (PEM) tech­nol­o­gy, very promis­ing but still “del­i­cate”.

Among the dis­rup­tive tech­nolo­gies are those devel­oped in Esto­nia by STARGATE with the Star­dust process. In France by GEN-HY Anions Exchange Mem­brane (AEM), which com­bines the advan­tages of ALK and PEM tech­nolo­gies. These tech­nolo­gies are very mod­u­lar, but not yet mature.

GHy­GA will choose its tech­nol­o­gy accord­ing to the fol­low­ing criteria:

  • Avail­abil­i­ty and pro­duc­tion potential.
  • Ener­gy efficiency.
  • Low­er costs in CAPEX and OPEX.


For more infor­ma­tion about Ghy­GA, con­tact us:

1800 route des Eymards
26260 Margès ‐ France



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