Innovative projects
that “boost” the energy transition
Energy transition with GHyGA innovations
The energy transition with the exploitation of marine renewable energies
The term “marine energy” (also “thalasso-energy”) is used to refer to all forms of exploitation of renewable resources from the marine environment: tides, currents, waves, heat, salinity, biomass and wind.
More than 70% of the planet is covered by oceans and seas, which contain enormous quantities of energy flows linked to atmospheric energy and gravitational variation. It is interesting to try to exploit them in a more systematic way by conventional means adapted to the offshore configuration, with economic optimisation.
How does GHyGA propose to harness marine energy for the production of Hydrogen and Ammonia?
The simultaneous use of wind and ocean currents allows the intermittence of both energy sources to be smoothed out and up to 70% of the installed power to be harvested. Conventional batteries can be used to store short-term production peaks and stabilise the output of the electrolysers.
Marine currents in the Channel, North Sea and North Atlantic (France, England, Scotland and Ireland) represent a power source of around 5 GW.
The transformation of their kinetic energy into electrical energy is based on various technologies; the most advanced is the horizontal tidal turbine, which GHyGA wishes to apply in the short term to its marine current projects.

Putting circular industry into practice
Circular industry is a term for an economic model based on resource sustainability, life extension and regeneration of products and materials. Thus, the circular industry is much more comprehensive than just recycling. GHyGA applies this economic model to its MRE projects through optimised resource management and the choice of efficient technologies.
How does GHyGA use this business model?
The processing and upcycling of former decommissioned oil&gas drilling platforms for the 2W2H2® and 2W2NH3® projects involves the recovery and reuse of 17,500 to 25,000 tonnes of steel per project. A further 25 years of operation of such platforms is possible at lower cost for offshore gH2 and gNH3 production plants.
In the North Sea (Scotland) there are many “cold stacked” platforms awaiting decommissioning, most of which can be upcycled for new services to support offshore H2 and NH3 Green Gas production.

Innovative optimisations on our projects for the energy transition
Continuous technological progress makes Green Hydrogen (gH2) competitive before the year 2030. Its large-scale use will depend, among other things, on restrictive measures for the use of fossil fuels. The use of Green Ammonia (or gNH3) in thermal engines and gas turbines is imminent and can also be applied in series as early as the 2030s.
The energy transition with Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia is underway and GHyGA’s 2W2H2® and 2W2NH3® projects are being developed and optimised to meet the industrial needs of the next decade.
Some examples of optimisations:
Concentration of the means of production
Bringing production and storage equipment and processes together on the platform facilitates interfaces, reduces energy consumption and lowers the level of investment.
Remote control of operations is easier. Platform operations avoid many of the environmental and societal problems associated with a land-based location.

Optimisation of applied technologies
The evolution of technologies for producing gH2 and gNH3 is very dynamic. GHyGA follows this evolution and chooses the best performing solutions, at the highest level of maturity — with a TRL (Technology Readiness Level) >8 — with the best yields and at the lowest cost.
GHyGA monitors the availability of the most critical elements, which are still in progress for this improvement in efficiency, such as the tidal turbines, the electric power generators, the membranes and electrodes of the electrolysers and the energy consumption of the latter (Stacks + “Balance Of Plant”).
Storage and transport
Hydrogen must be compressed to high gas pressure levels or condensed to liquid form, to reduce its storage volume. GHyGA wishes to use two methods:
- High pressure gas phase compression in steel cylinders (type II), vertically arranged in 20′ containers (e.g. >@500 bars).
- Absorption in the liquid phase by LOHC (Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier) technology, which combines the advantages of absorbing large quantities of Hydrogen and storing it in liquid form (facilitating transfer and transport operations) while eliminating the risks of ignition and explosion (safety).

Port energy
NH3 can become the ideal (efficient and clean) fuel for commercial ships, either by use in a solid oxide fuel cell or by retrofitting existing thermal engines.
Similarly, port facilities can rapidly operate on gNH3-based energy. The link between offshore NH3 production and its supply for use by the shipping industry is a major asset for the 2W2HN3 project®.
More information on our Hydrogen Production Platform project
(2W2H2 project®)
More information on our Ammonia production platform project
(Project 2W2NH3®)
For more information about GhyGA, contact us:

1800 route des Eymards
26260 Margès ‐ France
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