Green Hydrogen Production Platform
2W2H2 project® (Wind & Water to Hydrogen)
An innovative project that contributes to a low-carbon economy
Marine energies are renewable and inexhaustible sources, among which wind and marine currents are the best known and the most “controllable” (swell and waves are also worthy of interest).
Based on these green energy sources, GHyGA has devised the 2W2H2 project®, which contributes to the decarbonised economy by producing green H2 offshore using electrolysers powered locally and autonomously by subsurface water turbines and a wind turbine, installed on an “upcycled” Oil&Gas platform of the “Jack Up” type (renovated and adapted).
The H2 is stored in a gaseous form (compression @500 bars in containers, type MC500) and/or in a liquid form (hydrogenation of a LOHC — Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier — in a tank). Transport to the mainland is ensured by ships which themselves run on H2 (electric or thermal), which can also refuel at the platform’s Distribution Station.
Around these energy sources, GHyGA proposes its projects and thus pursues the development of the following paradigms, which contribute to the decarbonised economy:
“Upcycling of an existing offshore ex Oil & Gas platform
The upgrading of an existing offshore platform by “innovative upcycling” will provide a new life of additional 25 years.
Combination of energy sources
Wind and ocean currents provide parallel power generation and smooth out known intermittencies.
Energy independence
The autonomous production of electrical energy makes the project independent of the terrestrial electricity grid and its associated costs.
Concentration of resources
The assembly of all the necessary equipment on the platform for the production, storage and delivery of Green Hydrogen increases the control, efficiency and safety of the operational process.
Energy storage
The gH2 is stored in liquid (LOHC technology) or gaseous (high pressure) form and can be transported in this way by rotating ships powered by H2 engines or by pipeline, eventually.
The concentration of the system on one platform and its offshore positioning reduces many environmental problems and makes it easier to obtain permits for construction and occupation of marine sites.
Hydrogen production platform 2W2H2® (Wind & Water to Hydrogen)
The platform includes the following components and processes:
- A renovated and adapted (“upcycled”) jack-up platform.
- A wind turbine with a capacity of 5 MW.
- 108 hydro turbine* with a capacity of 7 MW or 24 Archimedean screws** with a capacity of 6 MW.
- A seawater desalination unit.
- Intermediate storage batteries of 3 MWh.
- Electrolysers with a total capacity of 8 MW (4 units of 2 MW).
- Hydrogen storage and transport units for ~5 tH2 on board.
- LOHC: 4 units of 1.2 tH2/u.
- — MC500: 10 units of 0.5 tH2/u @500b.
View of the installation of the tidal turbines* or Archimedes screws** on diving arms (“booms”) fixed on the edges of the “Jack Up” platform. These “booms” allow the turbines to be submerged in the subsurface currents and raised above the platform for maintenance work.
Hydrogen production from the “upcycled” platform
600 tonnes gH2
per year
The 12 MW of green electricity installed can produce up to 600 tonnes gH2 per year at costs < 6 €/kg H2 in 2030.
For more information about GhyGA, contact us:

1800 route des Eymards
26260 Margès ‐ France
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